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Country: United States
City: New York
Category: Art Gallery
Address: USA
: 529 W 20th St, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011,
United States Italy: 
Palazzo Corner Spinelli 
San Marco 30124, Venice Switzerland
: Delsbergerallee 61
CH 4057 Basel

- About -

JanKossen Contemporary focuses primarily on abstract, conceptual art created by both established and mid-career international talents. JanKossen has two locations, organising regular exhibitions in New York, USA and in Venice, Italy (2017). Head administration is in Basel, Switzerland. Besides participating actively during selected, international art fairs, the gallery specializes in private sales in the secondary market with a focus on the work by European, Chinese and American twentieth century and contemporary artists.
The gallery also provides advisory and collection management services. The gallery is involved in the production of its artists and is committed to a strong editorial policy with the publication of exhibition catalogues and artists' retrospectives.