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Views: 91075
Title: gallery
Country: United States
City: New York

- About -

GR gallery 255 Bowery New York, NY 10002 tel: +1 212 473 2900 e-mail: GR Studio Viale Zancanaro 44, 33077, Sacile, Italy tel:+39 434 738016
e-mail: Founded in 1978 in Italy and in 2015 in NYC quickly focused its activity on the promotion and valorization of postwar avante-garde artwork of clear Latin matrix, favoring those artists who had created a special, personal propulsion and thrust during the triumph and eclipse of “Informale” with artists such as Afro, Alberto Burri, Lucio Fontana, Giuseppe Santomaso and Emilio Vedova. In the 1990s, Studio d’Arte began dedicating great energy and insight to the rediscovery and relaunching of the last true avante-garde movements of Kinetic, Programmed, and Optical art, establishing direct, often exclusive relationships and dealings with artists such as Getulio Alviani, Alberto Biasi, Gianni Colombo, Carlos Cruz Diez, Julio Le Parc, Francois Morrelet, Horacio Garcia Rossi, Francisco Sobrino and Victor Vasarely. Today, Studio d’Arte GR alternates its activity with the discovery and promotion of young talent that challenges itself with the most varied of media, open to Urban and Street Art. In addition to its business activity, Studio d’Arte GR has always engaged in dynamic, purely cultural endeavors at regular intervals, organizing exhibitions and artistic reviews in prestigious museums such as GNAM in Rome, the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, MMOMA in Moscow, MACBA and Museo di Bellas Artes in Buenos Aires, and Palazzo Ducale in Venice. The staff of Studio d’Arte GR pride themselves on having organized and curated almost 300 public exhibitions.