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Country: Germany
City: Berlin
Category: Art Gallery
Address: Ludwigkirchstrasse 11 10719 Berlin

- About -

The international galerie burster for contemporary art is located in West Berlin. Besides sculpture and painting the focus is the presentation and promotion of young positions working with new media and conceptual art, installation and performance. The gallery collaborates intensively with the art academies UdK and Weissensee Kunsthochschule.
According to the tradition and history of the building at Kurfürstendamm 213 in Berlin Charlottenburg (formerly Brusberg gallery) additonal sculpture exhibitions take place regulary in the courtyard. Gallery burster has started its programm in August 2014. Berlin born Rita Burster is partner in the Knecht und Burster Gallery in Karlsruhe since 2007. This background is based on an intense relationship to the Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe and close contact to its professors and master students. Gallery burster is member to the federation of galleries in Germany (BVDG), with a personal commitment of Rita Burster.