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Views: 17664
Title: Artist
Country: Romania
City: Timisoara

- About -

Costin Brăteanu's paintings are dictated by key actions such as experimentation, speed and association with various spaces. Costin's personality is one in perpetual motion, like his life and art style. Everything is maintained at a brisk pace, and the paintings bring together this continuous evolution and constancy of experimentation. Living temporarily in places from various countries and continents, Costin is attentive to the local context, which he integrates into his works. First and foremost, he frequents flea markets and collects unusual objects, often with a local utilitarian history, such as curtains, lace, lice combs, nylon, leaves, flowers, stencils, and ornaments.
These objects help to generate shapes and textures on the canvas, which are then incorporated into the background or foreground. We can therefore deduce that there is a search for the new in objects with a local history. We clearly identify a need for movement for new discoveries. Experimentation with different colors and substances is the constancy of the creations. From 2008 to date the following experimental media have been used: ink, bath pigments, tar, caustic soda, spray, varnish, water pigments. Landscape and abstract paintings take a back seat. What is important is the experiment, i.e., the chemical reactions between pigments, the substances that attack or impregnate the colors and the dispersions, either diaphanous or in thick layers.