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Saturday, 13 March 2021 to Saturday, 24 April 2021

Gary Schlingheider

TASTY NOTES ON SCULPTURE                                         13 March – 24 April 2021

We are pleased to present Gary Schlingheider – TASTY NOTES ON SCULPTURE, the artist's first solo show in our new gallery space at Ludwigkirchstraße 11, 10719 Berlin.

Schlingheider's minimalist spatial installation, titled in reference to Robert Morris' Notes on Sculpture, functions as a modular system consisting of 40 elements and 10 colours. A total of 50 meters of aluminium, each processed into two-colour anodised square tubes, protrude diagonally through the gallery space. Complementing these are ten wall objects, each in two colours, consisting of monochrome aluminium canvases and their corresponding shadow gap frames.

The colour spectrum chosen by Schlingheider not only brings the tastiness, but also functions as a connecting element of the serially produced room- and wall objects. In a non-hierarchical arrangement of the individual modules, painting and sculpture in TASTY NOTES ON SCULPTURE are mutually dependent and seem to flow into one another. For Schlingheider – who sees himself neither clearly as a painter nor as a sculptor – color, form and the surrounding space are on equal terms.

Schlingheider's exploration of geometric bodies and colour in three-dimensional space does not solely go hand in hand with the concept of a purely visual art. Instead of existing purely representationally, his objects activate the space around them and reveal unexpected possibilities of perception and meaning.

Now, after having to do without a physical experience with art for so long, Schlingheider's expansive installation allows just that: interaction – a physical relating to the large-scale works, walking under them and being part of the installation and space, approaching them to see the iridescent color surfaces – or distancing oneself in order to be able to view their entirety.

We are delighted that a real experience between viewer and art is once again possible and invite you to contact us by phone on +49 30 243 34 983 or via to book an appointment for your visit. We are open Wednesday – Friday from 12 – 6pm and Saturday from 12 – 4pm.

Artist ( Description ): 

Gary Schlingheider (*1983 born in Detmold, Germany), lives in Berlin and Ostwestfalen-Lippe.

During his studies at the UdK Berlin with Prof. Christine Streuli, Schlingheider began to create his first minimalist sculpture-series such as 30MM and PLAYGROUND among others, based on his experience with painting and the continuous exploration of the creative possibilities of colour in three-dimensional space.

In 2017 Schlingheider received the Diffring Preis für Skulptur and the Meisterschülerpreis des Präsidenten der UdK Berlin, in 2020 the Loth-Skulpturenpreis.

His works have been exhibited at Marta Herford Museum, Kunstverein Lemgo, Kunstverein Paderborn and Haus am Lützowplatz Berlin, among others. In July 2021, his work will be on display at the Skulpturenpark Heidelberg as part of the Fuchs-Preis.

Venue ( Address ): 

galerie burster

Ludwigkirchstrasse 11

10719 Berlin

Galerie Burster , Berlin

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