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Miranda Whall: When Earth Speaks





Exhibition Type:

How many artists: 
Thursday, 27 June 2024 to Saturday, 20 July 2024
Wednesday, 26 June 2024 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm

‘When Earth Speaks’ integrates science, nature, technology, and art to explore the relationship between data, humans, and the natural world. The exhibition and performance draw upon a data stream generated by a high-resolution soil sensor network installed for the Making the invisible visible project in the Cambrian Mountains, Mid Wales, the Elenydd plateau, known as the Ffridd (the upland fringe), approximately 600m above sea level. Whall utilises the continuously generated raw (dirty) unprocessed dataset as material from which to create durational drawings – analogue storage systems, or ink clouds, and subsequently sound compositions, music, dance, performance, and film. The exhibition consists of drawings, sculpture, film, performance, the living mountain, robotics, music composition and photographs.

In addition to the exhibition at Vane, the project includes a performance premiering at Theatr y Werin, Aberystwyth Arts Centre, on 8 June 2024. When Earth Speaks: A Dirty Ensemble has been funded by LADA, Live Arts Development Agency and Aberystwyth Arts Centre. The project was conceived through a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) funded cross-disciplinary research project: Making the invisible visible: Instrumenting and interpreting an upland landscape for climate change resilience, led by Professor Mariecia Fraser from IBERS (Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences), Aberystwyth University, and developed through a subsequent NERC funded cross-disciplinary research project: Multispecies Politics in Action, led by Professor Milja Kurki, Interpol (Department of International Politics), Aberystwyth University.

Artist ( Description ): 

Miranda Whall was born in 1969, in Cardiff, UK. She attended University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, The Royal Academy Schools, and Goldsmiths College, University of London. She was recipient of an Arts Council Wales Major Creative Wales Award in 2012 and an Arts Council Wales Large Production Grant in 2017/18. She is currently Director of Creative Arts and lecturer in Fine Art at Aberystwyth University. Her first solo exhibition at Vane was ‘Where the monkey sleeps’ in 2005.

+44 0191 490 1294
Other Info: 

For further information or images please contact:

Jonpaul Kirvan, Programme Manager

tel: 0191 490 1294, email:

Vane is open Wednesday-Saturday, 12-5pm, admission free.

Vane, Orbis Community, 65 High Street, Gateshead, NE8 2AP

Venue ( Address ): 

Vane, Orbis Community, 65 High Street, Gateshead, NE8 2AP UK

Vane , Gateshead

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