1. Who is Anna Isola Crolla ?
Who am I? I am a Portrait and Fashion Photographer.
2. Tell us about the moment you were first introduced to the camera and out of all the genres of photography, why mainly Fashion ?
There has always been a camera in my face! Throughout my young life my mother would continuously capture our way of life here in the UK, sending them back to relatives in Italy. Around the time I was 19, I was introduced to photography through an acquaintance who had just purchased his first camera. It was at this point, I began to take an interest.
" So initially I wanted to be a fashion designer but alas, I couldn’t draw to save my own life however found that Fashion Photography was a better direction to take and a quicker process in creating fashion. "
3. In your opinion, what are the qualities of an ideal model for fashion projects and the perfect model for portraiture ?
" An ideal fashion model is one who projects a professional attitude, who has character, is confident but grounded. "
A model that inspires and thinks out of the box. For me personally, model portraiture is down to diversity, style and contrast; it can be anything from being photogenic to unconventional.
4. What photographers inspire you? Is there anything in particular you take from them when creating your own images ?
Photographers who inspire? Well, we could be here a while as the list is endless but here’s a few: Bruce Weber, Annie Leibovitz, Reuven Afanador, Paolo Roversi, Vincent van de Wijngaard and Vivian Maier. What I admire and take from these photographers is different in respect to each, it could be something as simple as a moment, a narrative, the perfect lighting or street style. Far importantly, it’s to collaborate with creative’s who excel in there field.
5. What has been your most memorable assignment and why ?
The most memorable assignment would have to be shooting through difficult weather conditions which has happened on more than one occasion. It had its challenges let me tell you! It effected everyone involved including the producer, the models, the creatives and the assistants. What made the shoot possible was the resilience and the determination of everyone involved to see the shoot through until every last image was shot.
6. What is your dream client to photograph and where would you want to photograph them ?
The ideal client is one who allows you the carte blanche option to create and is confident with the trust that comes with that. How and where you shoot comes down to discussions and expectations, each project for me, inspires fresh ideas.
7. Give us some top tips on how you have marketed your photography throughout the years ?
I have marketed myself initially through testing models and attending fashion events followed by showcasing my portfolio to magazines & news editors, advertising, design and agents, word of mouth and the World Wide Web. Also being a member of The AOP (Association of Photographers) provided me with a platform to display portfolio’s to a wider audience and internationally. These are the steps I have taken in order to progress and achieve business growth.
8. Looking back, is there anything you would have done differently in your career ?
Looking back, I would have to say I would have assisted more! This helps to develop your technique, knowledge of the industry, and helps build relationships.
E: anna@annaisolacrolla.co.uk W: www.annaisolacrolla.co.uk