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Film Series: Light Play and Abstract City



Set Designs for “Things to Come”, 1935. Silver gelatin prints. Estate of László Moholy-Nagy.


Programmed by Peter Bloom, Professor of Film and Media Studies, and Colin Gardner, Professor of Art, University of California, Santa Barbara, this three part film series Light Play and the Abstract City is offered in conjunction with the exhibition The Paintings of Moholy Nagy: The Shape of Things to Come. The series addresses Moholy-Nagy’s involvement with cinema as filmmaker, production designer, and participant in the wide-ranging context of interwar avant-garde art and documentary filmmaking culture. The series highlights the function of urban space, abstraction, light play, and experimental design. 



Artist ( Description ): 

August 13: The Abstract City: [H.G. Wells’] Things to Come (dir. William C. Menzies, prod. Alexander Korda, 1936, 97’) based on the H.G. Wells novel The Shape of Things to Come for which Moholy-Nagy contributed kinetic sculptural work as part of the set design.


August 20: Light Play: Presented by Colin Gardner (Department of Art, UCSB)

Rythmus 21 (dir. Hans Richter, 1921, 3’)
Symphonie Diagonale
(dir. Viking Eggeling, 1924, 5’)
Anemic Cinema (dir. Marcel Duchamp, 1924, 6’)
Ein Lichtspiel Schwarz Weiss grau [A Lightplay black white gray] (dir. László Moholy-Nagy, 1930-32, 5’17”)
Opus I-IV (dir. Walther Ruttmann, 1921-25, 22’)
[Seahorse](dir. Jean Painlevé, 1935, 14’)
(dir. László Moholy-Nagy, 1935, 16’)

July 30: Things to Come (feature film): Moholy-Nagy’s kinetic set design 

Presented by Peter Bloom (Department of Film and Media Studies, UCSB) and Colin Gardner (Department of Art, UCSB)
[H.G. Wells’] Things to Come (dir. William C. Menzies, prod. Alexander Korda, 1936, 97’) based on the H.G. Wells novel The Shape of Things to Come for which Moholy-Nagy contributed kinetic sculptural work as part of the set design. 

Other Info: 

SBMA, Mary Craig Auditorium, Free

Venue ( Address ): 

Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 1130 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA. Open Tuesday-Sunday 11 am – 5 pm,


Santa Barbara Museum of Art , Santa Barbara



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