
Take an unforgettable theatrical journey through moments of everyday magic and extraordinary possibility. In partnership with award-winning poet laureate nominee Gill Sotu, “The History of Joy” is a 4-part series of cinematic performances inspired by real-life stories of struggle, beauty, and triumph. Each segment will be accompanied by creative interpretations of the theme by some of San Diego’s most innovative organizations in dance, theatre, opera, puppetry, visual arts, & more. Inspired by the 8 pillars of joy outlined in The Book of Joy - written by the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu with Doug Abrams. Explore the pillars of compassion and generosity by navigating our role in protecting our Earth.
$15 Per Event or Pay What You Can
$50 Series Package (all 4 shows)
899 Park Blvd
San Diego, CA 92101
- 1622 reads