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Solos x3




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Thursday, 18 April 2019 to Saturday, 25 May 2019
Thursday, 18 April 2019 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Solos x3

Rotating exhibitions by: Colin J. Radcliffe, Marie-Dolma Chophel, and Carla Repice
Curated by Michael Gormley
April 18th-May 25th, 2019
Equity Gallery, 245 Broome Street, New York, NY 10002
Gallery Hours: Wednesday - Friday, 1-7 PM and Saturday, 12-6 PM

Equity Gallery is pleased to present Solos x3, a rotating series of three solo exhibitions featuring Colin J. Radcliffe, Marie-Dolma Chophel, and Carla Repice. In this series, Equity Gallery combines the breezy, spur-of-the-moment spontaneity of pop-up solo shows with the connected nature of group exhibitions. Each participant’s body of work is given the spotlight at the gallery for a two week period over the course of a month of a half. While the series allows for the artists to be the sole focal point in their own individual exhibitions, the rapid-fire transitory period between the shows creates a relationship among the other artists’ works. Through this series, seemingly vastly different creative outputs are contextualized. Thematic overlaps that were initially unnoticeable emerge organically, all without any of the artists’ works being compromised or diluted for the sake of an overarching concept.

Solos x3 consists of Colin J. Radcliffe’s Left on Read, opening on Thursday, April 18th, Marie-Dolma Chophel’s Parallel Worlds, opening on Thursday, May 2nd, and Carla Repice’s The White Problem, opening on Thursday, May 16th.

The series begins on April 18th and ends May 25th, 2019.

Curator :

Artist ( Description ): 

Colin J. Radcliffe is a ceramic sculptor based in Brooklyn, NY. Radcliffe’s work focuses on the pursuit of love and intimacy obstructed by his chronically diseased body, the dynamics of dating in queer digital space, and ultimately queer belonging. In 2019 Radcliffe received an interview feature with the curatorial platform YNGSPC. Radcliffe has attended the Wassaic Project residency in 2016 and 2017, and has exhibited work in group shows at the Wassaic Project, Flux Factory, Untitled Space, Field Projects, and Satellite Art Show. Radcliffe had a solo in 2017 at Temporary Storage Gallery in Brooklyn, NY.  In 2016 Radcliffe graduated from Bard College with a B.A. in Visual Arts.


Marie-Dolma Chophel graduated of her Master’s Degree in Art from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, France. Her work has been shown in museum and gallery group shows throughout the U.S., including the Berkeley Museum BAMPFA (CA), 532 Gallery Thomas Jaeckel (NYC), the Queens Museum (NY), the Fleming Museum (VT) and the Dorsky Museum (NY). She also exhibited her work in London and Hong Kong at the Rossi & Rossi Gallery and in Paris at the Atelier Clot. Chophel has been awarded of a residency at the Sam & Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts, New Berlin, NY, in 2014. She lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.


Carla Repice is a first generation Italian American born to Southern Italian immigrants post-World War II. Repice received her MFA in performance art from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and studied painting and feminist theory with Rose Shakinovsky and Claire Gavronsky at The Lorenzo de Medici School of Art in Florence, Italy. She has shown her work at The deCordova Museum, MA; Pioneer Works, Brooklyn, NY; The San Diego Museum of Art, CA; The New York Historical Society, NY; The Radical Archives Conference organized by Mariam Ghani and Chitra Ganesh, NY; Trinity Church in the City of Boston, MA; and Five Myles, Brooklyn, NY. Her art and teaching practice has been written about in Art Journal Open, The New Yorker, The Boston Globe, Hyperallergic, Art Fag City, The Huffington Post and NPR. She was awarded residencies at Yaddo and SPACE at Ryder Farm in upstate New York in 2017. Repice founded and was the Artistic Director of The Bronx Art Collective, a nationally recognized social justice and visual arts program for high school youth at the DreamYard Art Center in the South Bronx. She is currently the Senior Manager of Education, Engagement & Interpretation at Bard Graduate Center.

Other Info: 

Colin J. Radcliffe: Left on Read
April 18th – April 27, 2019
Opening Reception- Thursday, April 18th, 6 – 8 PM

Marie-Dolma Chophel: Parallel Worlds 
May 2nd – May 11th, 2019
Opening Reception- Thursday, May 2nd, 6 – 8 PM

Carla Repice: The White Problem
May 16th – May 25th, 2019
Opening Reception- Thursday, May 16th, 6 – 8 PM

Venue ( Address ): 

Equity Gallery, 245 Broome Street, New York, NY 10002
Gallery Hours: Wednesday - Friday, 1-7 PM and Saturday, 12-6 PM

Equity Gallery , New York, NY

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