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Jerwood Lates: How to Talk to People you Don’t Agree With



Friday, 26 April 2019


For Jerwood Lates we open our doors for a late viewing of our current exhibition Jerwood/FVU Awards 2019: Going, Gone; giving you the chance to enjoy our exhibitions and refreshments from Jerwood Spaces’ on site café The School House ran by The Gentlemen Baristas.

Jerwood Lates are free and drop-in but we ask that you sign up to attend our specially programmed events due to limited capacity.


Workshop: How to Talk to People you Don’t Agree With

In the Jerwood/FVU Awards 2019: Going, Gone, artist duo Webb-Ellis’ moving-image work For the First Baby Born in Space gives voice to some of the emotions and experiences of a generation of young people who have had little say in the dramatic political events unfolding around them. Responding to the work, artist collective Keep it Complex have invited Occupational Therapist Georgia Twigg to facilitate a workshop which will introduce methods of staying positive and engaged in the face of disagreement, helping you to build skills of resilience and verbal reasoning in moments when you feel like giving into apathy. We invite you to come to take notes, to try out a few techniques, or just to listen.

Keep It Complex gives you easy things to do in a difficult world, for those moments where it feels like there are too many tabs open in your brain: Brexit, Trump, climate change, male violence, cultural hegemony, islamophobia, terrorism, populism – the list goes on. They are a collaborative and evolving organisation which confronts political issues through ideas and action including facilitating events, workshops, discussions and creating campaign materials. For them it’s about not giving in to fear and apathy. Keep it complex developed out of, an artist-run Remain campaign in the 2016 EU referendum.

Georgia Twigg is an Occupational Therapist and a musician, being one third of London electro-punk band Charismatic Megafauna.

This workshop is free to attend but capacity is limited.

Venue ( Address ): 

171 Union Street, Southwark, London, SE1 0LN. 

Jerwood Arts , London



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